The Major Planet Aspects
In astrology, an aspect refers to the angular relationship between planets or between planets and specific points in the horoscope, such as the ascendant, midheaven, descendant, and nadir. These relationships are measured by the degree and minute of celestial longitude along the ecliptic, as observed from Earth. Aspects highlight specific points in the horoscope, emphasizing the energies involved and are believed to influence events on Earth based on astrological tradition spanning millennia.
For instance, in a natal chart created by an astrologer to depict the positions of celestial bodies at the time of a person’s birth, if Mars and Venus are apparent 92° apart, it’s termed as having the aspect “Venus square Mars,” with an orb of 2°. This means the aspect is 2° away from being an exact square, as a square represents a 90° aspect. Astrological tradition holds that the closer an aspect is to exactitude, the more significant it is. The variance between the exact and observed aspect is termed the orb.