
The 2004 discovery and subsequent naming of Orcus introduced a second celestial body to astrology, symbolizing the Roman god of the underworld, presenting an enigma as elusive as the underworld itself. Initially known as 2004DW, Orcus’s discovery in February was soon eclipsed by the revelation of Sedna the following month, prompting astrologers, including myself, to prioritize understanding Sedna, thus sidelining Orcus until it was officially named. Orcus remained in the shadows, revealing little of its true essence while other matters took precedence. By early 2005, when attention shifted back to Orcus, the basic details of this new planet were apparent. Discovered by the same team that found Quaoar and Sedna, Orcus’s nomenclature reflected the enigmatic nature of the underworld. Its naming was straightforward: sharing a 248-year orbital period with Pluto and being slightly smaller, the astronomers chose Orcus, one of the Roman underworld god’s multiple names, for their find. While this concluded the astronomers’ task neatly, it marked just the beginning for astrologers.

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