Just as signs are categorized into three types based on their qualities, so are the houses, although they are named differently.
The houses numbered 1, 4, 7, and 10 correspond to the Cardinal or Action signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn). These houses are known as the Angular Houses, reflecting how a person initiates or begins things.
Similarly, the houses numbered 2, 5, 8, and 11 align with the Fixed or Stubborn signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius). Referred to as the Succedent Houses, they follow the Angular Houses and depict the outcomes or results of actions taken.
Lastly, the houses numbered 3, 6, 9, and 12 correspond to the Mutable or Adaptable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces). These houses are termed the Cadent Houses, focusing on communications, daily tasks, and service—supporting the actions initiated by the Angular Houses.
2nd House
The second house is commonly associated with ruling over money and possessions, yet its significance extends beyond mere material wealth. It represents the realm of values, reflecting the importance individuals attribute to various aspects of life, including their own sense of self-worth. Therefore, when assessing a horoscope for psychological insights, it’s essential to examine the second house. This house illustrates how individuals cultivate and derive pleasure from the endeavours initiated in the first house. It reveals their approach to ownership and acquisition, showcasing how they acquire and personalize possessions. For a striking comparison in second house dynamics, one can explore the horoscopes of figures like Bill Gates and Gandhi.
5th House
The fifth house encompasses more than just love and romance; it extends to all forms of entertainment and enjoyment. From sports and hobbies to gambling and speculation, this house governs activities that bring pleasure and excitement. Interestingly, when individuals engage in ventures like the stock market, the fifth house influences both their approach and the potential outcomes. This house represents self-expression in various forms and aligns with the fixed sign Leo, known for its creativity. According to the late Marc Edmund Jones, while the second house reflects how we possess material things, the fifth house indicates how we personalize experiences themselves, particularly creative endeavors. For an intriguing comparison of romantic styles, one can examine the charts of individuals like Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, contrasting them with figures like Henri Landru, who married and tragically ended the lives of ten women.
8th House
The eighth house serves as the counterpart to the second house. While the second house signifies our personal possessions and resources, the eighth house delves into the resources and assets of others, along with our access to them and their impact on our lives. This encompasses inheritances, making the eighth house also associated with matters of death and transition. As the second house represents our values, the eighth house extends to the values held by others, including societal norms, and examines how these influence us and vice versa. Aligned with the 8th sign, Scorpio, this house encompasses more than just material possessions; it also governs deeply transformative aspects of life, including sexuality. In essence, it reflects what could be broadly termed as biological energy, with sex being just one manifestation. Another significant aspect it covers is recovery and rehabilitation from ailments, although this is typically of less concern unless one is unwell. For most individuals, the focus tends to be on matters of sexual attraction and desire. Planetary influences in this house can offer insights into what stimulates and excites individuals. For instance, Saturn may represent control and restraint, while Uranus signifies unconventional or “kinky” preferences.
11th House
The eleventh house is often overlooked in astrology literature, commonly reduced to simply representing “friends, hopes, and wishes.” However, like all succedent houses, it pertains to possessions, albeit in a less tangible form. Friendship, for instance, can be one of the most valuable assets one can possess. Positioned opposite the fifth house, which symbolizes self-expression and what one already enjoys, the eleventh house signifies what one desires to experience but has yet to attain—our hopes and wishes. Additionally, it holds a significant role in facilitating the expression of others, a detail often overlooked in astrological interpretations. Moreover, being positioned immediately following the tenth house, the eleventh house also indicates income derived directly from one’s career. However, it’s essential to consider the second house to determine whether these earnings will be retained or not. Thus, the eleventh house encompasses not only personal aspirations and social connections but also financial gains linked to one’s professional endeavours.