The Nodes & Karma
In Karmic and Horary Astrology, the Lunar Nodes play a significant role. Imagine the Moon’s orbit around the Earth as two large hula hoops, positioned at an angle to each other. These are the Moon’s Nodes. The Moon’s orbit intersects the Ecliptic, or the apparent path of the Sun around the Earth, in two places, known as the North Node and the South Node. The North Node is where the Moon crosses the Ecliptic moving towards the northern hemisphere, while the South Node is where it crosses towards the southern hemisphere. These Nodes are always directly opposite each other in the sky.
Completing a full circle through the 12 zodiac signs every 18 years, the Nodes influence the occurrence of eclipses when New Moons and Full Moons align closely with them. This alignment creates a precise lineup of the Earth, Sun, and Moon, casting shadows and causing eclipses.
In Karmic astrology, the Moon’s Nodes symbolize the lessons we are meant to learn in our current lifetime. These lessons often revolve around our interactions and connections with others. Therefore, the Nodes are associated with relational patterns, and understanding the wisdom they offer is crucial for identifying and healing patterns that hinder our happiness. It’s important to note that the Nodes always function as a pair, each influencing the other.
The South Node signifies ingrained habit patterns stemming from childhood or past lives, particularly potent if a planet is conjunct it in the birth chart. Its sign and house placement indicate areas where one tends to go to extremes. Conversely, the North Node symbolizes unfamiliar circumstances and activities, representing the uncharted territory waiting for exploration. It serves as the counterpart to the South Node, offering the potential for significant growth and the key to unlocking untapped energy.
According to astrology, the Moon’s Nodes highlight the underdeveloped and overdeveloped aspects of our character upon entering the world. The South Node points to the traits we’ve mastered but may cling to for security, potentially undermining our progress. In contrast, the North Node suggests qualities that require cultivation for inner equilibrium.
The Moon’s Nodes return to their original positions approximately every 18.5 years, typically coinciding with ages 37 and 56. Reaching age 37 is often considered significant, even termed the “fatal age,” as individuals who haven’t resolved their karmic tasks or shed outdated patterns may encounter profound life lessons or, in extreme cases, face mortality.
North Node

The purpose one has set out to fulfill in life, one’s fate.”
South Node

What one finds the simplest to do, yet often fails to execute.