Juno in aspect to any planet suggests a tendency to attract a partner with traits corresponding to the sign ruled by that planet. For example, Juno aspecting Mars might draw you towards individuals embodying Aries-like qualities.
Juno Aspects to the Sun

There’s a tendency to attract partners with showy, dramatic Leo-like qualities. Conversely, this individual may become more showy and dramatic after marriage. Harmonious aspects (conjunction, sextile, and trine) can enhance charm and social graces, akin to Venus, but Juno adds an air of innocence. Individuals with Juno in harmonious aspect to the Sun are often regarded as endearing or “cute” by others. However, stressful aspects may precipitate ego clashes with partners, resulting in challenges in forming or sustaining relationships. In some cases, there may be a lack of desire for partnership altogether. As Demetra George notes in her book “Asteroid Goddesses,” Gloria Steinhem, with the Sun in Aries square Juno in Capricorn, famously quipped, “I don’t mate well in captivity,” reflecting this sentiment.
Juno Aspects to the Moon

You’ll likely be drawn to emotional and nurturing partners, especially with harmonious aspects like conjunction, sextile, and trine. These partners may exhibit domestic qualities and a nurturing demeanor. However, stressful aspects (square and opposition) may signal a conflict between your emotional needs and those of your partnership. This could manifest in a partner who is overly emotional or prone to whining. Alternatively, such aspects might bring out these traits in you.
Juno Aspects to Mercury

Your partner won’t be the quiet type—communication will be a key aspect of your relationship. Harmony in aspects like conjunction, sextile, and trine suggests good communication between you and your partner, perhaps even improving your communication skills through the partnership itself. However, with stressful aspects like square and opposition, communication challenges may arise. Both of you might struggle to express yourselves effectively, leading to conflicts or attempts to silence each other amidst competing desires to speak.
Juno Aspects to Venus

The attraction tends to be toward a charming partner with artistic flair and refined taste, particularly evident with harmonious aspects like conjunction, sextile, and trine. However, with stressful aspects like square and opposition, there’s a possibility of attracting a partner who is lazy or lacks motivation. In such cases, partnership dynamics may exacerbate these tendencies in both partners. Stressful aspects may create a conflict between your relationship needs (Juno) and your capacity to express love and affection (Venus). This could lead to difficulties in expressing love within the partnership, potentially leading you or your partner to seek affection elsewhere.
Juno Aspects to Mars

Marriage and partnership are likely to energize you, perhaps even serving as a catalyst for action in your life. You might find that having a partner is essential for you to remain active and engaged. The partners you attract are often assertive, dynamic, and possibly even aggressive. Conversely, being in a partnership may amplify these characteristics in you as well. In cases of stressful aspects like conjunction, square, and opposition, there could be tendencies toward arguments and power struggles within the partnership dynamic. One partner may attempt to dominate the other, leading to conflicts or challenges in finding balance and cooperation.
Juno Aspects to Jupiter

The partner you attract is likely to embody qualities of expansiveness, optimism, and joviality, echoing the influence of Jupiter. Marriage and partnerships can have a similarly expansive effect on you, potentially enhancing your optimism. However, there’s a caveat: be mindful not to overlook the possibility of weight gain as a consequence. This tendency is particularly applicable to harmonious aspects like conjunction, sextile, and trine. In contrast, stressful aspects such as square and opposition may manifest as attracting a partner who is overly optimistic, always anticipating a stroke of luck. Additionally, conflicts over religious or philosophical beliefs may arise. The theme of over-expansiveness could extend to extramarital affairs as well. With a stress aspect between Juno and Jupiter, either you or your partner might interpret the commitment of marriage as license for romantic exploration beyond the bounds of the relationship.
Juno Aspects to Saturn

Partnerships characterized by Juno-Saturn aspects often involve individuals who possess maturity beyond their years, whether in attitude or actual age. In the presence of harmonious aspects like sextile and trine, partners are likely to embody solidity, practicality, and dependability, though they may not necessarily be the life of the party. Conversely, such partnerships may bring out these same traits in you. On the other hand, stressful aspects such as conjunction, square, and opposition could lead to delays or even denials in marriage. Individuals with these aspects are advised to refrain from marrying before their first Saturn Return, which typically occurs around the age of twenty-nine. Stressful Juno-Saturn aspects mimic the effects of Saturn positioned in the 7th house, often resulting in marriages that deteriorate over time due to lack of affection and eventual collapse. Moreover, these aspects may lead individuals to enter into or remain in marriages for practical reasons, such as security, even if they are ultimately unsatisfying. Learning to cut losses and start anew is a vital lesson for individuals with these aspects.
Juno Aspects to Uranus

If Juno aspects Uranus in your horoscope, especially with stressful aspects like the conjunction, square, or opposition, you may find yourself drawn to partners who stand out as unique or unconventional. In a room of twenty people, it’s often the outlier—the one who seems to defy convention or comes across as eccentric—that captures your interest. Uranus’s insistence on individuality and independence drives this dynamic. Harmonious aspects like the sextile and trine tend to mitigate potential issues, fostering partnerships characterized by independence and intellectual stimulation. However, with stressful aspects, such as those mentioned, you might experience multiple marriages or struggle to find lasting conventional partnerships. For individuals with Juno in Cancer, like Elizabeth Taylor, the desire for enduring relationships clashes with Uranus’s penchant for novelty and change. Taking time before committing to marriage and embracing non-traditional relationship structures can be beneficial for those with these aspects. Balancing the need for personal space and freedom with emotional connection is key for long-term compatibility.
Juno Aspects to Neptune

If you have a stressful aspect (conjunction, square, or opposition) between Juno and Neptune in your chart, it’s crucial to avoid marrying someone out of pity or a misguided desire to “rescue” them. Remember the emergency number 911—use it figuratively to rescue yourself from such situations and seek professional help for both yourself and the other person. On a more positive note, especially with harmonious aspects like the sextile and trine, your partner is likely to be sensitive, empathetic, and imaginative. Marriage and partnership can also nurture these qualities within you. However, there’s a risk of idealizing your partner excessively, seeing only what you want to see rather than reality. It’s important to maintain a clear perspective and avoid falling into illusions or romantic fantasies.
Juno Aspects to Pluto

Partnerships influenced by Juno-Pluto aspects tend to be intense and shrouded in secrecy. The sexual dynamic can be powerful and transformative, reflecting Pluto’s association with extremes and profound change. Marriage has the potential to catalyze significant personal transformations for both partners. Harmonious aspects like the sextile and trine can unearth hidden strengths and resilience previously untapped. Conversely, stressful aspects such as the conjunction, square, and opposition may manifest as power struggles and dictatorial tendencies within the relationship. One partner may seek to dominate the other, leading to intense emotional fluctuations from love to hatred to obsession. Even if the relationship ends, the bond with this partner is likely to leave a lasting impression, shaping future interactions and memories.
Juno Aspects to Ascendant

When Juno aligns with the Ascendant, it enhances our attractiveness, akin to Venus, yet with a touch of innocence reminiscent of a child. This allure is also present, albeit to a lesser extent, with harmonious aspects like the sextile and trine. Surprisingly, the opposition to the Ascendant isn’t inherently stressful; it essentially mirrors a conjunction to the Descendant. Positioned in the 1st house, Juno fosters a strong inclination toward marriage, although if it falls on the 12th house side of the Ascendant, constraints may arise, as discussed further under Juno in the 12th house. A square aspect between Juno and the Midheaven adds a layer of complexity to marital dynamics, necessitating continual adjustments, ensuring that marital life remains anything but mundane.
Juno Aspects to Midheaven

Aspects to the Midheaven play a pivotal role in shaping one’s career and public persona. Juno-ruled professions encompass marriage counseling and roles within organizations dedicated to preventing domestic violence and child abuse. Much like Venus, Juno gravitates toward careers associated with beauty, adornment, and the arts. Interestingly, whether an aspect to the Midheaven is harmonious or stressful, it profoundly influences career trajectories. Stressful aspects often propel individuals to greater success by generating a heightened drive and determination. Conversely, those with harmonious aspects may find themselves less inclined to push their limits, potentially hindering their professional advancement.