Just as the signs are categorized into three types based on their qualities, the houses are similarly classified, albeit with different names.
The first, fourth, seventh, and tenth signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) are known as the Cardinal or Action signs. Correspondingly, the first, fourth, seventh, and tenth houses are referred to as the Angular Houses, revealing how an individual initiates endeavors.
On the other hand, the second, fifth, eighth, and eleventh signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) are designated as the Fixed or Stubborn signs. In alignment with this, the second, fifth, eighth, and eleventh houses are termed the Succedent Houses, signifying the outcomes or consequences of actions initiated by the Angular Houses.
Finally, the third, sixth, ninth, and twelfth signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) are classified as the Mutable or Adaptable signs. Correspondingly, the third, sixth, ninth, and twelfth houses are known as the Cadent Houses, addressing matters of communication, daily routines, and service, which provide essential support to the Angular Houses, enabling them to commence action.
3rd House

This house illuminates your perception and communication style, offering insights into how you utilize the resources acquired in the second house. It’s a significant area for understanding an individual’s communication skills and their manner of expressing themselves. Additionally, it reflects your relationships with siblings, neighbors, and short journeys—typically those lasting less than a day. However, deep understanding isn’t typically found here; instead, it’s a realm focused on facts and practical matters. For a more comprehensive understanding, the Ninth House is where these facts are synthesized and integrated.
6th House

While fun and creativity are enjoyable, the Sixth House reminds us of the importance of getting down to business. It delineates how we approach work, not just in our careers but in all aspects of life. This house reflects our attitude towards service, both giving and receiving, and the quality of service we offer and receive from others. If you encounter issues such as errors from service providers or rude behavior, examining this house can provide insights. It’s advisable to address matters related to this house proactively to prevent potential problems. Like other cadent houses, the Sixth House pertains to communication, specifically how we handle and convey details, and our penchant for thorough analysis. Additionally, it sheds light on matters of health. For instance, the presence of Neptune might incline one towards unconventional health practices, like extreme diets.
9th House

The Ninth House, directly opposite the Third House, represents a shift from specific skills to broader principles. While the Third House focuses on learning practical skills like reading and writing and short-distance trips, the Ninth House delves into overarching concepts and long-distance travel requiring overnight stays. It’s where one’s religious and philosophical beliefs, as well as the principles instilled during upbringing, are illuminated. For instance, Saturn’s influence here signifies discipline and the potential for feeling burdened by a strict upbringing, while Uranus suggests rebellion and a departure from conventional values. Unlike the Third House, which pertains to personal resources, the Ninth House reflects how one utilizes the resources of others. Strong placements in this house can favour business endeavours and consulting work, as seen in the horoscope of Martha Stewart, whose career in publishing and advising exemplifies Ninth House activities.
12th House

The Twelfth House, often considered the dustbin of the horoscope, reveals aspects of ourselves we prefer to hide or avoid. It’s where we store our psychological problems and unresolved issues, representing the darker aspects of our psyche. Strong placements here, if left unaddressed, can lead to disastrous outcomes, as evidenced by individuals like Charles Whitman Jr., the Texas Tower Killer, or Henri Landru, a notorious serial killer. However, the Twelfth House isn’t solely a repository for negativity. It also embodies our capacity to help others overcome their challenges and limitations. In times of personal struggle, individuals with prominent placements in this house may find solace in assisting others on their journeys. Despite its reputation as a house of hidden troubles, the Twelfth House can also be a source of profound strength and inspiration. By confronting and working through the issues it represents, individuals can tap into their creative potential and inspire others to do the same. Once we learn to navigate and embrace the energy of the Twelfth House, it can become a powerful force for personal growth and transformation.