Ixion represents an inexhaustible and masculine force in love and sex, characterized by relentless stamina and an unending erection.
In positive aspects, Ixion can extend lovemaking for up to three days, indicating a great reservoir of personal power and the ability to influence the future significantly.
In positive aspects, Ixion can prolong lovemaking for up to three days, suggesting a vast reservoir of personal power and the ability to shape the future significantly.
Regarding career, Ixion’s strategy is “divide et impera” (divide and conquer). This approach involves dismantling existing structures, such as concerns, clans, lobbies, lodges, clubs, factions, cabals, plots, allegiances, fraternities, cults, newsgroups, websites, teams, alliances, trusts, blocs, and interest groups. From the resulting chaos, Ixion selects a few capable individuals to form a new enterprise, often accompanied by bitter struggle and a constant threat of downfall. This path can produce religious fanatics, well-meaning extremists who lead humanity to destruction, radical nationalists, new tyrants, media magnates, terrorists, and warriors of chaos.