Makemake is the second planet named after a creator deity of indigenous people, specifically the Rapa Nui of Easter Island. Previously, Quaoar received its name from the creator god of the Tongva people in present-day Southern California. The naming of two planets after creator gods presents an intriguing area of study for both mundane and natal astrology. Makemake, pronounced “maki-maki,” ranks as the third-largest dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt, marginally smaller than Eris and Pluto—the latter having been reclassified as a dwarf planet after Eris’s discovery. Makemake orbits the Sun every 309 years on an elliptical path and, unlike Eris and Pluto, does not seem to have any moons. In Western astrology, the emergence and naming of a new planet signify the availability of its archetypal energy to all. From its discovery in 2005 until its official naming in 2008, Makemake was known by the designation 2005 FY9. Some scholars link Makemake to themes of war and warriors, reflecting its namesake’s warrior god status. It is said that human sacrifices were offered to honor Makemake, with the offerings consumed by priests. What is certain is that Makemake represents the mythological deity credited with creating humanity.