As your interest in synastry grows, you might want to explore how the planets of each individual align with those in their partner’s chart. Armed with the horoscope of each person and a record of their planet placements by zodiac signs, you can begin plotting these celestial symbols onto the partner’s chart. For instance, if the ascendant of your chart is at 5 degrees Leo, and your partner’s Sun is at 7 degrees Leo, their Sun would fall into your first house. In such a scenario, the interpretations listed below would likely be pertinent to your relationship. Utilize a worksheet to assist in placing all planetary symbols on both charts, and then examine the implications these placements may have for your relationship. Provided here are brief interpretations for each of the personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) in the houses of a potential partner’s chart.
The Sun

Sun in Partner's 1st House

When the Sun is in the partner’s first house, it indicates shared aspirations and a desire for self-expression. This placement often signifies a strong physical attraction. However, it can also signify competition and clashes of ego, as it tends to fuel competitiveness. Relationships with this placement typically begin with intense mutual attraction and physical compatibility, forming the foundation for romantic and marital bonds.
Sun in Partner's 2nd House

When the Sun is placed in the second house of a partner’s chart, it indicates a relationship with a material focus and motivation linked to a need for security. This placement suggests strong cooperation in business and financial matters within the partnership. Indeed, money, or the resources it can provide, holds significant importance in the relationship.
Sun in Partner's 3rd House

When the Sun is positioned in the third house of a partner’s chart, it signifies that the foundation of understanding lies in intellectual exchange and communication. There is a strong compatibility in sharing and discussing ideas, leading to an engaging relationship. Shared interests in areas such as education, literature, planning, decision-making, and travel serve as definite assets for both individuals.
Sun in Partner's 4th House

When the Sun is positioned in the fourth house of a partner’s chart, it indicates that vitality and creative self-expression significantly influence the other’s home and domestic environment. This placement often fosters a deep emotional or visceral connection between the individuals. In marital relationships, the partner typically serves as a supportive foundation for the expansion of self-expression.
Sun in Partner's 5th House

Having the Sun positioned in the fifth house of a partner’s chart is highly favorable for romantic and marital relationships. It indicates significant potential for emotional and romantic attraction. Regardless of the nature of the relationship, there is a mutual enjoyment of each other’s company. This placement suggests shared participation in pleasure-oriented social activities such as parties, games, sports, and entertainment.
Sun in Partner's 6th House

When the Sun is positioned in the sixth house of a partner’s chart, it is often associated with dynamics resembling those of an employee/employer or a doctor/patient relationship. The Sun person tends to embody an authoritative figure within the relationship. Initially, attitudes toward each other’s personal mannerisms, appearance, and hygiene can significantly impact the relationship. This placement carries a sense of caring or protective management, with one individual likely assuming the role of protector or caretaker in the relationship.
Sun in Partner's 7th House

When the Sun is situated in the seventh house of a partner’s chart, it holds great significance for cooperation within the partnership. While this placement may sometimes lead to competition, overall, it fosters a balanced perspective on important matters and promotes a relationship characterized by mutual give-and-take. There is typically a strong mutual attraction, making this placement common in marriages and close personal friendships. It encompasses both sexual attraction and a mutual enjoyment of each other’s company.
Sun in Partner's 8th House

When the Sun is positioned in the eighth house of a partner’s chart, it suggests that the foundation of the relationship may have stemmed from their need for significant change, which you recognized and are or were able to assist them in achieving. The eighth house is associated with joint financial matters and security, indicating a mutual need for security, whether in material or emotional terms. You may find yourself being quite critical of this partner, but your criticism is likely aimed at fostering self-improvement and personal growth. If other astrological factors in the chart are favorable, there can be a strong sexual attraction indicated by this placement, as the eighth house is closely linked with sexuality.
Sun in Partner's 9th House

When the Sun is positioned in the ninth house of a partner’s chart, it often sparks an interest in philosophy, higher education, religion, and other cultural pursuits. This placement suggests a tendency to take on a dominant role and to seek to influence philosophical beliefs, religious ideals, or educational pursuits. Your partner may exhibit somewhat authoritarian tendencies, which can sometimes lead to resentment within the relationship.
Sun in Partner's 10th House

When the Sun is positioned in the tenth house of a partner’s chart, it is often linked with professional, business, and political connections. This placement suggests a potential for improving one another’s status and prestige in these realms. You likely inspire your partner to greater efforts in their career or creative pursuits, offering support to alleviate burdens and help overcome fears and limitations.
Sun in Partner's 11th House

When the Sun is positioned in the eleventh house of a partner’s chart, it indicates that the foundation of the relationship, typically rooted in a strong friendship, revolves around mutual intellectual or scientific interests, as well as humanitarian or cultural concerns. Shared goals and objectives create opportunities for collaboration in group and organizational activities, enhancing the relationship through common aims and endeavors.
Sun in Partner's 12th House

When the Sun is positioned in the twelfth house of a partner’s chart, it suggests a somewhat intuitive ability to communicate. There’s a deep understanding and connection, often on a subconscious level. You may serve as a supportive companion to your partner, particularly in comprehending life holistically. This placement frequently brings about a significant shift in perspective for the individual whose twelfth house is being influenced.
The Moon

Moon in Partner's 1st House

When the Moon is in a partner’s first house, it signifies a deep emotional connection, commonly found in married couples. Family and domestic matters become significant focal points in the relationship. This intimate emotional bond fosters a sense of comfort and contentment in each other’s presence. There’s a natural blending of temperaments, where moods, whether high or low, tend to harmonize.
Moon in Partner's 2nd House

The Moon in a partner’s second house doesn’t hold significant implications for romantic relationships. However, it can be beneficial for business partnerships. This placement may indicate a shared appreciation for luxuries or sensual pleasures, like enjoying meals together. The relationship may foster a sense of security or stability in some aspect.
Moon in Partner's 3rd House

When the Moon is in a partner’s third house, communication tends to revolve around personal, emotional, family, and domestic matters. This placement often results in conversations filled with small talk and discussions about trivial affairs. However, it also facilitates open discussions about emotional concerns while potentially avoiding larger problems. The Moon person is likely fascinated by their partner’s thought processes and approach to mental challenges.
Moon in Partner's 4th House

When the Moon is in a partner’s fourth house, it fosters close relationships focused on family and domestic affairs. There’s a deep emotional bond rooted in shared family experiences or similar upbringing. Domestic concerns take center stage in your relationship, and there’s a profound sense of feeling “at home” together with this placement in the comparative chart.
Moon in Partner's 5th House

When the Moon is in a partner’s fifth house, it typically suggests a strong emotional and intensely romantic attraction. Domestic and family matters hold significant importance in this romantic relationship. In some cases, one individual may take on a parental role towards the other. Additionally, the attraction in the relationship might stem from the talent and expression displayed by the person in whose fifth house the Moon resides.
Moon in Partner's 6th House

When the Moon is in a partner’s sixth house, it typically signifies an employer/employee dynamic. There’s a service-oriented tone to this relationship, and if a romantic connection exists, it may be partly due to the Moon native’s ability to take care of the other in roles such as nurse or housekeeper. The Moon person often possesses an instinctive understanding of the partner’s needs and a willingness to fulfill them.
Moon in Partner's 7th House

When the Moon is in a partner’s seventh house, it often indicates romantic or marital relationships, especially if it is positioned near the descendant or the seventh house cusp. The involvement of one or both partners’ families may be significant, with family or domestic matters frequently taking center stage. A Moon in the seventh house typically suggests significant emotional fluctuations in the relationship, with a heightened awareness of each other’s moods and feelings. The Moon individual is likely to bring a considerable amount of support and understanding to the relationship.
Moon in Partner's 8th House

When the Moon is in a partner’s eighth house, it often benefits business relationships and involves the management of joint funds in personal partnerships. In some instances, the Moon individual may spark interest in occult or psychic phenomena in the partner. This pairing tends to be emotionally intense and can evolve into an all-or-nothing type of relationship. Emotional disputes over finances may arise, particularly if adverse cross-aspects are present.
Moon in Partner's 9th House

When the Moon is in a partner’s ninth house, it underscores the significance of early childhood experiences and the ability to embrace each other’s religious, ethical, social, and moral values. This placement emphasizes the importance of understanding your partner’s life philosophy and building upon this mutual understanding. You may tend to adhere strongly to traditions and early upbringing. In a marital relationship, integrating these values into the partnership becomes a major concern, and it’s crucial not to assume that deeply ingrained beliefs can be easily changed. The relationship has the potential to broaden your perspectives on religion, philosophy, culture, and education, overcoming narrow habitual viewpoints. It requires awareness and appreciation of each other’s inherited characteristics and ideals.
Moon in Partner's 10th House

When the Moon is in a partner’s tenth house, it indicates that career and status will have an impact on home and domestic life, as well as emotional well-being. This placement suggests a natural understanding of each other’s life goals, along with emotional support to pursue them. There’s a tendency for the couple to be brought together by similar family backgrounds or through family connections, with one partner’s parents possibly playing a significant role in the relationship. Security and/or status are important factors in the relationship.
Moon in Partner's 11th House

When the Moon is in a partner’s eleventh house, it fosters friendship and involvement in group associations. Often, the initial meeting occurs through shared participation in group activities centered around a common ideal. You share emotions and reactions openly, and are likely to spend a significant amount of time together. There’s a strong sense of kinship in this placement, leading to treating each other like family members, even if you’ve only recently met. Whether there’s a romantic connection or not, this placement tends to create fast and enduring friendships.
Moon in Partner's 12th House

When the Moon is in a partner’s twelfth house, it creates a potent emotional and intuitive connection, leading to heightened awareness of each other’s moods and feelings. This placement signifies sympathetic understanding, empathy, and mutual compassion. However, it can also potentially amplify each other’s self-destructive tendencies and contribute to self-deception and hang-ups. Despite any challenges, there exists a strong psychic bond and deep intuitive awareness between the individuals.

Mercury in Partner's 1st House

When Mercury is in the first house, an individual possesses considerable mental appeal to their potential partner. There tends to be an active exchange of ideas and a high level of mental stimulation. If Mercury is poorly aspected, misunderstandings and arguments may arise frequently, but with favorable aspects, the opposite is likely to occur. This placement also suggests that the individual may make their partner somewhat restless, possibly prompting a lot of travel and movement throughout the relationship.
Mercury in Partner's 2nd House

Mercury in a partner’s second house is a favorable placement for business and professional relationships. It enables clear communication regarding financial matters, property, and other business ventures. An individual with Mercury in their partner’s second house is likely to offer many lucrative ideas related to money-making opportunities.
Mercury in Partner's 3rd House

Mercury in a partner’s third house signifies mental compatibility, suggesting that the Mercury individual stimulates their partner in areas concerning communication, research, and potentially travel. This aspect is particularly beneficial for teacher/student relationships.
Mercury in Partner's 4th House

Mercury in a partner’s fourth house suggests that the Mercury person is likely to initiate changes in the partner’s home environment. They may introduce ideas related to the management of domestic and family matters. This placement might also inspire a greater inclination towards travel and mobility. Mercury in a partner’s fifth house brings forth ideas and opinions that serve as a catalyst for creative expression, artistic pursuits, or parenting endeavors.
Mercury in Partner's 5th House

Mercury in a partner’s fifth house encourages the exchange of ideas and opinions that serve as a catalyst for creative expression, artistic endeavors, or parenting practices.
Mercury in Partner's 6th House

Mercury in a partner’s sixth house indicates an ability to communicate effectively in the work environment. The Mercury individual brings forth ideas and opinions related to health and diet, which may influence the dynamics of the relationship.
Mercury in Partner's 7th House

Mercury in the partner’s seventh house offers ideas that complement and enhance the partner’s perspective. There tends to be a mutual exchange of ideas, serving as sounding boards for each other’s thoughts. A natural flow of thought and conversation characterizes the relationship, fostering a mental understanding that can be advantageous, particularly in marriage.
Mercury in Partner's 8th House

Mercury in the eighth house is a favorable comparative placement for individuals involved in business together. It also facilitates understanding of deeper needs and unconscious motivations within a close relationship. This placement signifies comprehension in both material and emotional aspects of life. Additionally, there may be shared interests in psychic or occult matters and exploration of the unknown.
Mercury in Partner's 9th House

Mercury in a partner’s ninth house is an excellent position for individuals seeking to share philosophical and intellectual pursuits. It’s particularly beneficial in teacher/student relationships. This aspect tends to spark interest in religion, education, philosophy, and travel, fostering a stimulating and enriching dynamic between the individuals.
Mercury in Partner's 10th House

Mercury in a partner’s tenth house generates ideas and communication that directly impact or relate to the partner’s career or personal status. There’s typically a strong understanding of the partner’s career goals and status aspirations, fostering a healthy dynamic in the relationship regarding professional matters.
Mercury in Partner's 11th House

Mercury in a partner’s eleventh house indicates a friendship founded on shared intellectual interests, often linked to group or organizational activities. Both individuals may have common humanitarian goals and interests, fostering a strong connection. This aspect is beneficial in romantic relationships as it establishes a solid foundation for friendship and shared interests.
Mercury in Partner's 12th House

Mercury in a partner’s twelfth house indicates a mutual interest in the hidden, occult, psychology, or creative pursuits. This placement suggests a special interest in the partner’s overall attitude towards life, leading to a deeper understanding of their vulnerabilities. As a result, the Mercury native may find themselves in a position to offer helpful advice. However, if the aspects are unfavorable, this advice-giving tendency may be met with resentment.

Venus in Partner's 1st House

Venus in a partner’s first house signifies emotional identification with each other. There is typically a shared interest in social activities, arts, and music. This placement often indicates a harmonious relationship and can lead to a strong romantic attraction, possibly culminating in marriage. However, if there are challenging aspects to this Venus placement, it may lead to over-possessiveness, jealousy, or envy. Despite occasional quarrels and emotional upsets, the underlying romantic connection remains strong.
Venus in Partner's 2nd House

Venus in a partner’s second house is frequently linked to business partnerships or financial dealings between individuals. There’s a natural compatibility in terms of making money together. However, if Venus receives challenging aspects, it may lead to poor financial decisions and shared expenditures. Activities undertaken together often revolve around financial considerations.
Venus in Partner's 3rd House

Venus in a partner’s third house signifies highly harmonious communication, particularly in fields such as poetry, literature, or art. Your relationship has the potential to be positive because you both possess tact, diplomacy, and consideration for each other. You share interests in books, television, or perhaps just casual gossip, fostering a sense of connection and understanding.
Venus in Partner's 4th House

Venus in a partner’s fourth house emphasizes the importance of home and family. It indicates a generally tranquil atmosphere in domestic life, bringing harmony to family dynamics. For a couple living together, spending time at home is typically preferred over dining out, entertainment, or socializing. The art of cooking may play a significant role in this relationship. Overall, this combination fosters harmony in family life and is favorable for marriage, contributing to a peaceful and harmonious home environment, particularly in later years.
Venus in Partner's 5th House

Venus in a partner’s fifth house is one of the most potent comparative combinations for romantic and sexual attraction. Marriage tends to be based on love rather than material wealth or social status. This placement brings significant pleasure and romantic fulfillment to the relationship. However, if there are challenging aspects to Venus in this comparison, it may lead to jealousy and possessiveness. Nonetheless, the underlying romantic inclination remains strong despite these challenges.
Venus in Partner's 6th House

Venus in a partner’s sixth house often signifies the establishment of social friendships within the workplace. You both tend to work together harmoniously and may share interests in diet, cooking, arts, and crafts. This placement is favorable for relationships between employer and employee as well.
Venus in Partner's 7th House

Venus in a partner’s seventh house suggests a strong romantic attraction, often culminating in marriage. You both tend to enjoy each other’s company and interact harmoniously. There is a mutual appreciation for similar interests, and you are considerate of each other’s wants and desires.
Venus in Partner's 8th House

With Venus in the 8th house, emotions are likely to be deeply ingrained, leading to a very intense emotional reaction within the relationship, for better or worse. This placement often generates a strong sexual attraction between partners. However, it’s important to note that this intensity doesn’t necessarily guarantee permanence in the relationship. Instead, it signifies a seductive allure and fascination that results in a particularly potent physical connection.
Venus in Partner's 9th House

Venus in a partner’s ninth house indicates a mutual interest in philosophy, religion, law, or higher education, with many shared interests in these areas. In a marriage or romantic relationship, one or both partners may attempt to persuade the other to adopt their religious or philosophical beliefs, aiming to establish greater harmony and compatibility in the relationship.
Venus in Partner's 10th House

Venus in a partner’s tenth house often signifies a connection in the professional or business realm, with a mutual understanding of the significance of your careers. Material status holds importance in the relationship, and the Venus individual brings charm and diplomacy that can benefit the partner’s career or status. This placement suggests a tendency for the partner to hold the Venus person in high regard, perhaps placing them on a “pedestal.”
Venus in Partner's 11th House

Venus in a partner’s eleventh house is a favorable position for building social connections and cultivating mutual friendships. This placement often indicates that the relationship is founded more on friendship than on romance. Both individuals may share similar and compatible goals and objectives, fostering a harmonious and supportive dynamic.
Venus in Partner's 12th House

Venus in a partner’s twelfth house signifies a deep psychic and emotional connection within the relationship. There is a sense of sympathy and compassion toward each other, which may form the basis of the attraction.

Mars in Partner's 1st House

At times, competition may arise within the relationship, indicating a very dynamic dynamic. This combination also suggests a strong sexual attraction. However, if Mars forms challenging aspects in the natal chart, this house placement may signify aggressive behavior within the relationship.
Mars in Partner's 2nd House

Competition can arise within the relationship from time to time, indicating a highly dynamic dynamic. This combination also suggests a strong sexual attraction. However, if Mars forms challenging aspects in the natal chart, this house placement may indicate aggressive behavior within the relationship.
Mars in Partner's 3rd House

This combination is beneficial for matters concerning mental communication, writing, and travel. The Mars person often encourages the partner to engage in activities related to these areas. However, if badly aspected, this aspect can lead to numerous arguments and criticism, typically instigated by the Mars person.
Mars in Partner's 4th House

Mars in the partner’s fourth house often evokes instinctive feelings of either liking or disliking this person, influenced by the cross aspects of Mars in the chart. This placement of Mars tends to challenge habitual attitudes and frequently prompts changes if the relationship progresses. If the aspects of Mars are challenging, these changes may be disruptive. Conversely, if the aspects of Mars are favorable, these changes are likely to be progressive and beneficial.
Mars in Partner's 5th House

Mars in a partner’s fifth house generates a strong romantic attraction with a sexual undertone. The Mars person may exhibit high sexual drive and impulsiveness in pleasure-oriented activities. This relationship is likely to involve a significant amount of competition.
Mars in Partner's 6th House

Mars in a partner’s sixth house indicates activity centered around the workplace or health-related matters. This placement often suggests a dynamic akin to a doctor/patient or therapist/client relationship. The Mars person may tend to be demanding of their partner in this dynamic.
Mars in Partner's 7th House

Mars in a partner’s seventh house signifies a dynamic, action-oriented partnership characterized by impulsive behavior. The Mars person has the ability to inspire greater self-expression in their partner, whether in partnership or competition. While this placement can lead to considerable sexual attraction, it doesn’t guarantee a lasting relationship on its own. Nonetheless, it does create an active and often stimulating connection.
Mars in Partner's 8th House

Mars in a partner’s eighth house suggests a dynamic business, corporate, or scientific relationship, where both individuals challenge each other to self-improvement and development. Additionally, there is often a strong sexual attraction indicated by this placement.
Mars in Partner's 9th House

Mars in a partner’s ninth house suggests engagement in matters related to philosophy, religion, and travel. The Mars person may attempt to influence the other to adopt specific religious, philosophical, educational, moral, or cultural beliefs. In such cases, especially if Mars is adversely aspected, these efforts can lead to annoyances and conflicts. Under ideal circumstances, this placement may indicate a relationship founded on mutual goals related to religious or spiritual projects. This placement often involves stimulating thinking and challenging one another’s perspectives on life. It’s also likely to entail a significant amount of travel, often to foreign destinations.
Mars in Partner's 10th House

Mars in a partner’s tenth house indicates strong interactions between both individuals in terms of their professional lives. There are mutual interests and objectives related to career aspirations. The Mars person may be drawn to this partner with the intention of achieving professional advancement and status.
Mars in Partner's 11th House

Mars in the partner’s eleventh house, associated with friends, clubs, and organizations, indicates dynamic interaction within social circles. This involves mutual involvement in group and organizational activities. Additionally, there is mutual encouragement in the pursuit of goals and objectives related to political reforms, humanitarian causes, scientific research, or technological innovation. This placement is excellent for individuals collaborating on such ventures.
Mars in Partner's 12th House

Mars in a partner’s twelfth house suggests significant action and interaction between both individuals at a subconscious level. There may be involvement in behind-the-scenes or potentially secretive activities. In some cases, if Mars is poorly aspected, there could be instances of psychological cruelty between partners. On a more positive note, there’s potential for working together in compatible ways, particularly in areas related to charitable service, religion, or hospitals. However, the Mars person may often perceive the partner as being lost in a dream world.