Additional aspects used in astrology, although less common, include the 7th-Harmonic, 9th-Harmonic, 10th-Harmonic, 11th-Harmonic, 14th-Harmonic, 16th-Harmonic, and 24-Harmonic aspects. These aspects are derived from dividing the circle of the Zodiac into segments of seven, nine, ten, eleven, fourteen, sixteen, and twenty-four, respectively.

The septile (abbreviated as Sep) represents an angle of approximately 51.428571°, which is one-seventh of the circle of the zodiac. When aspected, it is believed to signify irrational relations between its constituent components but also reveal the hidden underlying nature and deeper destiny of those components.

The triseptile (abbreviated as TSp) corresponds to an angle of approximately 154.285714°, which is roughly 3/7 of the circle of the zodiac.

The novile (abbreviated as Nov), also referred to as a nonagon, corresponds to an angle of 40°, which is one-ninth of the circle of the zodiac. It is believed that the novile represents a constriction between aspects that can be unlocked and utilized as a catalyst for self-enhancement.

The binovile (abbreviated as BNv) corresponds to an angle of 80°.

The quadnovile (abbreviated as QNv), also called a quadrinovile, represents an angle of 160°.

The decile, also referred to as a semi-quintile, corresponds to an angle of 36°, which is one-tenth of the circle of the zodiac. This aspect is believed to bestow the ability to assist others.

The tridecile, alternatively called the sesquiquintile, represents an angle of 108°. This aspect is believed to imbue individuals with social creativity or evoke a sense of withdrawal and introspection necessary for external originality. It is also referred to as the quintile-and-a-half.

The vigintile, also known as the semi-decile, corresponds to an angle of 18°, which is one-twentieth of the circle of the zodiac, or half of a decile.

The undecile (abbreviated as Und), also referred to as the undecim, represents one-eleventh of the zodiac circle or an angle of approximately 32.727272° (32°43’38”). Additionally, there are the biundecile (also known as biundecim) at 65.454545° (65°27’16”), the triundecile (also known as triundecim) at 98.181816° (98°10’55”), the quadriundecile (also known as quadriundecima) at 130.90909° (130°54’33”), and the quinqueundecile (also known as quinqueundecim) at 163.636363° (163°38’11”). These represent, respectively, two-elevenths, three-elevenths, four-elevenths, and five-elevenths of the zodiac circle. The undecile is associated with social consciousness and the ability to seek help beyond oneself.

The semiseptile, also known as quattuordecimal (derived from the Latin word for fourteen, quattuordecim), corresponds to an angle of approximately 25.714286° (or 25°42’51” in degree-minute-second format). It represents one-fourteenth of the circle of the zodiac, or half of a septile. This aspect is believed to involve relinquishing what has been completed in order to transition to the next cycle of activity.

The tresemiseptile, also referred to as the sesquiseptile, corresponds to an angle of approximately 77.142858° (or 77°08’34”). This angle represents three-fourteenths of the circle of the zodiac.

The quinsemiseptile represents an angle of approximately 128.57143° (or 128°34’17”), which corresponds to five-fourteenths of the circle of the zodiac.

The semioctile represents an angle of 22.5° (or 22°30′), which is one-sixteenth of the circle of the zodiac.

The sesquioctile corresponds to an angle of 67.5° (or 67°30′), which is equivalent to three-sixteenths of the zodiac circle. It can also be described as a semisquare (octile) and a half.

The quattuorvigintile represents an angle of 15°, which is one-twenty-fourth of the zodiac circle.

The squile corresponds to an angle of 75°, which is equivalent to 5/24 of the zodiac circle. It is considered a hybrid between a square and a sextile.

The squine represents an angle of 105°, which is equivalent to 7/24 of the zodiac circle. It is considered a hybrid between a square and a trine.

The quindecile, also known as the johndro or contraquindecile, corresponds to an angle of 165°. It is believed to be associated with an unrelenting, headstrong determination, often accompanied by disruption and upheaval.