In a horoscope, an aspect is the exact angle between any two points. Usually, these points are planets, but they can also be the angles (Ascendant, Descendant, MC and IC). The closer the angle is to the ideal aspect, the more significant it is according to astrological tradition and practice. The deviation from the ideal aspect is called the orb. The natal chart shows the aspects in the central circle, using different colors and symbols to identify them.
Aspects show how the planets interact and affect each other’s influence. They belong to one of two categories: major or minor, and harmonious or tense. Major aspects usually have more impact than minor ones, but some astrologers pay more attention to the minor aspects.
The planets involved in the tense aspects create friction. This friction leads to problems and difficulties that can be psychological, environmental or both. Many people face failure when they try to cope with these challenges, but some will strive to overcome them and develop their astrological potential in the process. The harmonious aspects create an easy relationship between the planets involved. They offer a supportive environment for innate abilities that the individual may not appreciate, but fail to fully develop.
Aspects have two sides: one tense and one harmonious. Tense aspects can lead to great achievements, but they also bring challenges. Harmonious aspects can make things easy, but they also create the risk of missing opportunities. A balance of tense and harmonious aspects is ideal. People with only harmonious aspects may have a lot of potential, but no motivation to use it. People with only tense aspects may struggle with doubts and pessimism, and find it hard to overcome obstacles.